Copyright Notice
Thank you for using our Handwritten Signature Generator. This page contains important information regarding the copyright and terms of use for our tool. Please read the following terms carefully:
1. Ownership
All generated signatures using our Handwritten Signature Generator are the property of the respective users who created them. We do not claim any ownership rights over the generated signatures.
2. Free and Personal Use
Our Handwritten Signature Generator is provided as a free service for personal use. You are allowed to use the generated signatures for your personal or non-commercial purposes.
3. Prohibited Use
It is strictly prohibited to use the Handwritten Signature Generator for any illegal, harmful, or malicious activities. You are not allowed to use the tool to generate signatures that infringe upon the rights of others, impersonate someone else, or violate any laws or regulations.
4. Liability
We do not assume any liability or responsibility for the use or misuse of the signatures generated using our tool. The responsibility for ensuring the legality and appropriateness of using the signatures lies with the user. We shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use of the generated signatures.
5. Modifications
We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Handwritten Signature Generator at any time, without prior notice or liability.
6. Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks, associated with the Handwritten Signature Generator, its design, functionality, and branding, belong to their respective owners.
7. Acceptance of Terms
By using our Handwritten Signature Generator, you agree to these terms and conditions outlined on this page.
If you have any questions or concerns about the copyright and terms of use, please contact us using the provided contact information.
© 2023 AI Signature Generator. All rights reserved.